ITS Tactical

Ahoy! Celebrate Ye Ol’ Talk Like a Scurvy Pirate Day!

Avast, me hearties! Today is International Talk Like A Pirate Day, and we’d like t’ get some real honest t’ goodness Pirate talk goin’!

All you Plank Owners n’ Crew Leaders should feel right at home today while ye Crew be swabbin’ tha decks, gar!

Here be a translator fer all ye landlubbers wantin’ t’ talk like a scallywag! Fer all them on Facebook, here’s how t’ change yer profile t’ scurvy Pirate English – Account > Account Settings > Language > English (Pirate)

Cap’n ITS says blabber t’ yer mates like a Pirate in tha comments or ye walks tha plank, arrrgh!

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