ITS Tactical

Check out the TSP Veteran’s Day Show!

I know I’m a bit belated in this announcement, but I’d like to encourage everyone to go   listen to Jack’s Veteran’s Day show at The Survival Podcast. It’s a great synopsis of how Veteran’s Day started and why it’s important that we continue to honor our men and women who have served; not just on Veteran’s Day, but every day of the year.

If you aren’t already listening to his Podcast’s, you really should check them out; there’s so much more than mere survival that Jack discusses.

In fact, Jack was a huge motivator for me to found ITS Tactical back in early 2009. While it had been an idea that myself and a few of my friends from the service had planned, I owe a large part of my drive to get it going to Jack.

Jack has been a great friend to me and long time supporter of ITS; check out The Survival Podcast and all the great information Jack produces on a daily basis. I promise you won’t be disappointed!

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