ITS Tactical

Opinions Needed on Free Gear Donations

I think we’ve really tapped into something bigger than expected with our post Tuesday on Free Gear for Those Fighting the Good Fight.

Many of you had some great suggestions on doing something more like donating money into a fund to get those in need the gear they need.

I’ll be honest, it’s going to be a tough job to figure out who really needs this gear we’re giving away the most. It’s something we’ve discussed and no easy task by any means.

So what I’d like to do with this post is start a place for some dialouge in the comments where we toss some ideas around about how best to improve upon what we’re already doing (thanks to Eric). As there are many legal issues surrounding collecting funds for donations, we’re hoping to especially get some opinions from those who know about these kind of things.

We’re not sure what exactly to do yet, but we know that we want to continue to help our guys in harms way get the gear they need. We know of quite a few organizations that do similar things like American but none that we’re currently aware of that cover LE, MIL and Contractors. If you know of one, please leave a comment.

Let us know your thoughts and big thank you to all that protect us!

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