ITS Tactical

Vote for ITS Tactical in 4th Annual MILBloggies

A reader just sent us over an announcement letting us know ITS is eligible for a MILbloggie through

We’ve heard about the MILbloggies before, and became listed there back in July of ’09, but had to read up on the nominations to learn more.

Essentially, you nominate a blog in order to recognize military bloggers who have contributed to blogging, news and information, and to the military over the past year.

If you’d like to nominate ITS Tactical in the MILbloggies, head on over to this link and click the green “nominate” button.  We’re listed in the Military (Veteran) category.

We’re a bit late in this announcement, as the nomination period ends at 11:59 p.m. tonight, April 3rd, but there’s still time to head over and nominate ITS Tactical. Click here, we appreciate your support!

Update: Voting is now closed, unfortunately we didn’t make it into the next round of voting, but there’s always next year!

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