ITS Tactical

Today is Medal of Honor Day, Please take a Moment to Remember

March 25th is officially Medal of Honor Day and we’d like to take today as a day of remembrance here on ITS Tactical as well.

Join us in honoring all those who have sacrificed their very lives as a duty to our great country. This is of course not to exclude the living Medal of Honor winners and their selfless actions that saved their brothers.

The realization that the media cares more about what’s going on with movie stars, than with the very heroes that have given them the opportunity to do so is truly a sobering fact.

We’ve embedded a tribute video below called Souls of Valor that showcases Chief Master Sergeant Richard Etchberger, Staff Sergeant Robert Miller, and Staff Sergeant Salvatore Giunta who all earned America’s highest award for valor.

We’d like to mention the heroics of two Navy SEALs and Medal of Honor recipients who’s stories are close to our hearts, Lieutenant Michael P. Murphy and Michael A. Monsoor. Please honor this day by paying a visit to the Congressional Medal of Honor Society Website and read about real role models.

Souls of Valor

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