ITS Tactical

ITS Trauma Kit Lineup and Walkthrough 2015


At ITS, we’ve always advocated being prepared for medical emergencies and have strived to design our medical kits around what you might need in any situation. With recent updates to the CoTCCC guidelines, we’ve brought our Trauma Kits up to date to reflect the best products available, as well as simplified the available configurations of our kits.

First, we updated our EDC Kit to now include a full-sized SOFTT-W Tourniquet, yet still retaining the small form factor that’s perfect for your back pocket. Additionally, we’ve updated our ETA Trauma Kits and replaced the standard HALO Chest Seal with the Vented version.

In the video below, we walk through our lineup of Trauma Kits and their contents, also covering some additional accessories we recommend having with your kit. While this video just focuses on our trauma kit lineup, we also offer full-featured First Aid Kits which we’ve dubbed the ITS First Aid Kit™ and ITS First Aid Kit™ Plus. You’ll see them shown in the photo above, but again, this video is purely about our Trauma Kits. To view our entire Medical Lineup, check out the ITS Store here.

Click here to check out our entire Medical Lineup!

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