ITS Tactical

Knot of the Week Video: Spool Your Fishing Line onto a Reel with the Arbor Knot


On today’s Knot of the Week we’re continuing our Fishing Knots with the Arbor Knot. It’s an incredibly handy knot to start off a new fishing reel, as most don’t already come pre-wound with fishing line. What makes the Arbor Knot so desirable is that it will tighten around a reel, but is still secure and compact enough not to affect the spooling of the line.

Because of the slippery nature of monofilament fishing line, the stopper knot that backs up the Arbor Knot will prevent it from pulling loose. The photo above and the video demonstration below, both utilize paracord and a cardboard spool to demonstrate how the Arbor Knot functions.

Arbor Knot » Fishing Knots

(Strength: 4/Secure: 3/Stability: 3/Difficulty: 1See below for what these ratings mean.



Each knot will be assigned a rating from 1-5 (1 representing the lowest score) based on the following four properties:

Strength – All knots will weaken the strength of  a rope, however, there are knots that are stronger than others. The scale here will reflect how strong the rope remains with the specified knot.

Security – The security scale refers to how well the knot will stay tied, and resist coming loose under a normal load.

Stability – Stability refers to how easily the knot will come untied under an abnormal load (i.e. the knot being pulled in a direction it was not intended to) A lower score here represents instability.

Difficulty – The lower the number, the easier a knot is to tie.

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