ITS Tactical

Ever Wonder What’s In Other Country’s MREs?

Meal Ready to Eat… Meal Refusing to Exit… however it is that you refer to them, there’s no denying that they’re a morale booster in the field.

When I was in the service you hit pay dirt if you got blackberry jam or Skittles and my buddies would bend over backwards to trade me for them.

The New York Times has recently done an outstanding job putting together an interactive compilation of the various MREs from around the world, and what’s inside them.

In the article they mention a few of the different recipes that can be made with MRE ingredients like Ranger Pudding and Combat Espresso, and I thought it would be fun for everyone to leave a comment and share your favorite recipes!

Apple Cobbler is my all time favorite. Heat a pack of spiced apples, add one pack regular crackers (pound cake can be used as well), add 1-2 packets creamer, 1-2 packets sugar and stir. You can throw some water in too if things aren’t mixing well. Just like Mom used to make!

If you haven’t seen them yet, there’s some great MRE info in our articles on How To Field Strip an MRE in 12 Easy Steps and The Pros and Cons of MREs.

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