ITS Tactical

Welcome to the New – Responsive, Fully Featured and Awesome!

Go ahead and poke around, kick the tires, see what’s different. We’re very proud of the newly redesigned ITS and have worked hard to continue to bring you our best and what we feel is the way you should experience our content from any device.

Right off the bat, you’ll notice that the main feature of the new ITS Tactical is infinite scroll. No longer will you need to click through page after page to get a preview of all our great content. If you aren’t sure exactly what you feel like reading at the moment, scrolling through past articles is a great way to visually see the content we’ve put out.

If you’re reading this on a phone or tablet, the layouts will be slightly different from that of the desktop, but our goal was to ensure you weren’t getting a watered down ITS Tactical. Everything on the desktop is available right on mobile without any need to adjust anything. Our new site is responsive and will dynamically adjust to fit your device. iPhone, iPad and Android will all look great without the need to download a separate mobile app.

Also on the homepage, we’ve given our popular Squawk Box content a more prominent position in the right hand column. This is a curated look at the cool photos, videos or random other things we come across in our time on the Internet and want to share with you. As you scroll to check out all the great content we have to offer, you’ll notice the header sticks with you, always giving you a way to get to specific pages, topics or even back to the top. Our drop-down navigation also displays previews of the first few articles in each category and the “more+” option takes you to the internal ITS pages where you can learn more about us.

The navigation also provides an easy to access interface to log in as a member and get to all our membership content. While logged in, you’ll also notice that the site will continue to recognize you as a member throughout the different pages and articles, giving you quick access to the membership dashboard. Our search is now more robust and easier to find what you’re looking for. The compass icon to the right of the search magnifying glass features all the ways to keep up with us via social media, or sign up to have our updates delivered to your email inbox.

Our store has received a facelift as well, with category navigation and store updates that hide out of the way until you need them. We’ve also made our products easier to find, more visual and given you the ability to quickly scroll through everything to see what we offer.

There’s a few more tweaks we’ll be making to ensure you’re viewing everything perfectly and without any bugs that may need squashing. If you find any, be sure to leave them in the comments so we can take a look at them. If you have a solution on how to fix what you come across, shoot us an email and maybe we’ll swap you a patch for a patch! Get it? A [velcro] patch for a [bug fix] patch? We should all quit our day jobs and become comedians, right?

Feel free to explore and become familiar with the new ITS Tactical. It’s really a big departure from the old site and we’re excited about the capabilities we’ve integrated. Thank you to everyone that’s made this evolution of ITS possible, psst… that’s you! We appreciate all of your support in the past, present and as we continue to grow in the future.

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