Can a Door Devil Anti-Kick Upgrade Prevent Multiple Attackers? We Put Its Strength to the Test
Can a Door Devil Anti-Kick Upgrade Prevent Multiple Attackers? We Put Its Strength to the Test
Today, we’re excited to bring you our independent evaluation of the Door Devil Anti-Kick Device. We’ve long been advocates of the technology that Door Devil has created and have been brainstorming how to work up a thorough evaluation on the effectiveness of the product in the right setting.
Thanks to Clint Bruce and his team at Trident Response, we were able to use a new breaching cage that they had constructed to properly put the Door Devil through its paces.
As you watch the video, there’s a few things I’d like to make clear. While we’ve run quite a few giveaways for Door Devil in the past on ITS, we’ve never received any kind of financial compensation from the company and no one involved in the production of this video has either. Outside of the team at ITS, no one shown in the video had ever even seen this product in person before, including the guys from Trident Response that helped me kick the door and the subject matter expert I interviewed, Rich Messenger of Texas Door & Trim, who is also the acting director of the Dallas Builders Association.
We’ve been sent a total of four units free of charge to use for testing, one of which is shown installed in this video and another was on-hand during the filming. The others were installed over the past year to examine the installation procedures and other criteria used in our evaluation.
What you see above is the culmination of our evaluation and while I voice my own opinions during the video, I’ll let you be the judge on the effectiveness. The purpose isn’t to paint Door Devil in any kind of light, other than just giving you a real-life look at three guys trying to break down a door with a Door Devil installed; we didn’t hold anything back.
If you’re an ITS Member and interested in picking up a Door Devil or two for home, don’t forget about your discount code for 20% off your order. Check out the Vendor Discount page for more information.
