Dear Terrorists, Don’t Mess With Texas
Dear Terrorists, Don’t Mess With Texas

Don’t Mess With Texas was a great slogan I grew up with it as a kid, but it’s also a way of life. No matter how corny it sounds, I promise you there’s a reason why that phrase was coined.
Back in the day it was to abolish litter and for the most part it worked because the campaign was aimed at educating people. It then empowered them to take control of their home and treat their state like they would their own home. It’s hard to argue with that logic and honestly it was brilliant. Fast forward to modern times and the slogan still rings true, only with a bit more edginess.
I’ve been fortunate to travel throughout our great land and I have loved every minute, but Texas is still my home and I can’t wait to return each time I’m gone.
Reflection and Vigilance
Our state has recently been in the news, due to foreign invaders targeting our way of life in Garland, TX. A few of us are caught up in the craziness and media glitz, but I’d caution that now’s the time for reflection and vigilance. We need to educate those around us on the threat we face and shine the light on our enemy to reveal who they truly are and their intentions. We then need to prepare, train and be ready for what will come at us next.
It’s almost a forgone conclusion that we handed them a decisive ass whipping. They will try again and this is just the beginning. As you can imagine, there’s already been chatter amongst these terrorists of impending doom and my response is so what? Bring it, bring all that you’ve got because I promise you there are plenty of us here in the Great State of Texas willing and able to fight.
That’s not bravado, it’s simply a fact. You want to come here and wreck havoc, fine. If you find yourself on our soil and my military brothers don’t kill you first, make no mistake, you’ll have to deal with the type of officer who made light work of your would-be martyrs. If you avoid the uniformed police presence and target the citizenry, bring it!
Armed Society
I’m sure you’re aware that we’re an armed culture and society. We fought for our independence with words at first and when that failed, with cold steel. That didn’t turn out to well for our opponents and I promise you that they were a more worthy adversary than you. You can make a go at it and there will surely be more attacks to come.
Terrorists may eventually get lucky here in Texas and good people will get hurt, or worse killed. It will only strengthen our resolve, galvanize our will and awaken something much worse than a sleeping giant. When our collective feet hit the floor, the devil himself will utter “oh shit!”
Harden Up
There’s lots to be done between now and the next attack. The bad guys have time on their side, so we have plenty to do. We need to unite ourselves not for the single purpose of defeating this enemy, but instead to safeguard our way of life. This is what matters and it’s our future. The world took note recently and while they’re celebrating, we’re preparing. Only a fool would get complacent.
I’m not playing games and neither are a large majority of my fellow Texans. We know you dear terrorist, we know your intentions and we will fight like nothing you have ever seen before.
Editor-in-Chief’s Note: Jeff Gonzales was a decorated and respected US Navy SEAL, serving as an operator and trainer who participated in numerous combat operations throughout the world. He now uses his modern warfare expertise as President of Trident Concepts, LLC., a battle proven company specializing in weapons, tactics and techniques to meet the evolving threat. Bringing the same high-intensity mindset, operational success and lessons learned from NSW to their training programs, TRICON has been recognized as an industry leader by various federal, state and local units. Organizations interested in training with TRICON can call 928-925-7038 or visit for more information.