Tag Archives: Digital Security

Three Tips for Digital Housekeeping

Spring is in the air and it’s a great time to do a little digital housekeeping for your devices. First,… View Article

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Cybersecurity Checklist to Keep Your Devices Secure

Recently there’s been a lot of information coming forward about massive cybersecurity hacks and information loss by some pretty large… View Article

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Cybersecurity Awareness Month – Gear Tasting Radio 84

Protect your data and devices by doing a cybersecurity checkup. This week on Gear Tasting Radio, we discuss some steps… View Article

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Spectre & Meltdown: Newly Discovered Vulnerabilities that Affect Almost All Computing Devices

Early this year, two variations of a major electronic security vulnerability were discovered. These vulnerabilities have existed for 20 years,… View Article

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Protecting Your Info 101: Using a Password Manager

We’ve all been through it, attempting to log into our email, banking or social media accounts only to find receive… View Article

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Do’s and Don’ts for Your Digital Life – Gear Tasting Radio 20

For many of us, the number of digital devices in our lives has drastically increased in the last few years…. View Article

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A Glimpse Into the Future of Digital Security at the RSA Conference 2017

Every February, the flagship RSA Conference comes to San Francisco. It brings with it a bevy of cryptography and information… View Article

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Lock it Down Part II: How to Secure Your Firmware and Access Computers Remotely

Let’s say the worst has happened and someone has stolen your laptop; you’ve basically got two major concerns here. First,… View Article

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Lock it Down: How to Use Encryption Options Already Installed to Lock Your Data Down

Encryption is the application of cryptographic techniques to encode data so only authorized users can read the information. With the ubiquity… View Article

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SITREP 01: Nissan LEAF Hacked and Preparing for Southern Storms

SITREPs are our timely updates on developing news and interests discovered on our journey through the Interwebs. The Nissan LEAF is currently the world’s best… View Article

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